Emergency School Closure

As of 3:20 pm, Friday 20 March 2020, the school will be closed. From Monday 23 March school will only be open to children of critical workers and vulnerable children. The Department for Education has guidance on its website for parents about the closures and who schools will be open for and it can be found here. For the time being, our procedures for 'closing' the school, for the remaining pupils, remain as below.

In the event of an emergency closure the school will notify parents/carers via text message, therefore it is essential that the Office has up to date contact information. The closure will also be logged with Essex County Council and will be listed on their website. The list is found here https://www.essex.gov.uk/emergency-school-closures and is updated daily at 6 pm.

Information from Essex County Council

Essex Safeguarding Children Board - Safeguarding children during coronavirus

Staying Well Children and Families

Essex Child and Family Well-being Service resource hub

https://www.essexwelfareservice.org.uk this is a new service to help vulnerable people in the community who are staying at home during the coronavirus period, are in need of support and unable to access the support they need at this time.

 2020-03-20 - Covid19 Comms for Parents (1).pdfDownload
 Remote education info for parents.pdfDownload
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