
Welcome to Badgers. 

We hope that Year 6 have a happy and enjoyable final year at Tendring Primary School. While covering the National Curriculum, we will have a broad and engaging syllabus as well as partaking in as many different activities activities as possible - starting with our residential at the beginning of September to Fellowship Afloat. Preparations will also be conducted to ensure Tendring Primary School children have the knowledge and skills ready for the next stage in their education. Our topics for the years are:

  • World War 2 (Autumn Term)
  • World Geography (Spring Term)
  • Human Body (Summer Term)

Badgers relish the opportunity of increased responsibility across the school with roles including House Captains, Play Leaders, Buddies, showing visitors around the school, fundraising and managing sports equipment to name a few.

If you have any questions or queries, please come and see us.

 Miss Brazier (class teacher) and Miss Peacock