New Intake Pupils & Starting Reception


Welcome to Tendring Primary School's New Intake Information Section.

You'll be directed to this area of our website prior to admission following acceptance of an offer of place at our school by ECC Admissions.

A link will be sent to you to complete the following data documents online.  Please view and refer to these, gather the information prior to completing the form.

New Intake Data Pack

 Tendring Pupil Data Collection Form 2024.pdfDownload
 Section Ethnic Cultural Information.pdfDownload
 Home School Agreement Letter.pdfDownload
 Home School Agreement.pdfDownload
 Parent Voice Reception New Intake 2024.pdfDownload
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The following documents are for information to help you and your child prepare for life at Tendring Primary School

Information documents

 Tendring Primary New Intake Welcome Booklet.pdfDownload
 Tendring Term Dates 2024-2025.pdfDownload
 Tendring Primary School Uniform.pdfDownload
 Paying for School Meals & Applying for Free School Meals.pdfDownload
 School Fruit & Veg Scheme (KS1 only).pdfDownload
 Attendance Parent Guide.pdfDownload
 FOTS Welcome Flyer.pdfDownload
 Parents guide to headlice.pdfDownload
 Parents guide to Threadworms.pdfDownload
 Tendring Primary Recycle Scheme (TPRS).pdfDownload
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